Growing a sole trader business isn’t rocket science - as an accountant, I’ve encountered my fair share of companies wanting to grow but not sure how to spot the opportunities for growth or...
Category: Start A Business
You’ve probably searched for this article to determine whether you should become self-employed or stay employed to pay the least amount of tax possible, right? Well, luck for you, I’ve provided...
I suppose someone’s gotta say it… everyone has to pay tax. From big multinational corporations down to the individual average joe (I’m guessing me and you). It’s a fact of life, and it can be...
You often hear people refer to themselves as ‘Sole Trader’ or ‘self-employed’ almost interchangeably - but do you really know the difference? Whereas ‘self-employed’ just means you work...
So you want to become self-employed but you’re not sure how much it’s going to cost you… well, I’m sure you’re not the only one. According to Bloomberg Business, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs...