Inspirational Saving Money Quotes

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Humans and money-saving troubles go together like tea and biscuits. There must have been a situation where you were having an internal battle between spending money and putting it aside. We’ve all been there. But you know what can give you a fresh perspective on the topic? Saving money quotes.

Why rely solely on your reasoning when you can read the words of those rare individuals who have the money-saving issue all figured out? These words can give you comfort, guidance, and motivation. Their advice can nudge you in the right direction and maybe you’ll even become one of those rare money-saving wizards.

Managing your money is a skill. To help you hone that skill and start saving your money like a pro, I present to you the top saving money quotes by people who are worth listening to.



1. “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” – Warren Buffett

What the man with the billions wants to say is that saving money should come before spending. It is not something you do if you have some extra cash on your hands. Saving money should be a priority.


2. “Never spend your money before you have it.” – Thomas Jefferson

Oh, the sweet tempting nature of credit cards. If they existed in Shakespeare’s time, he would probably write sonnets about them. But the instant satisfaction of spending money you don’t have can lead to terrible consequences. Even though Thomas Jefferson didn’t have the pleasure of “meeting” a credit card, the man knew what he was talking about. If you want to save money, don’t spend what you don’t have. The illusion of having more than you do can get you to start digging a hole of debts.


3. “Saving is the gap between your ego and your income.”Morgan Housel

In the book The Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel offers many useful lessons on money. But, this quote really stood out. Can you recognize when your ego takes over? Can you stop the greed? Being able to suppress your ego’s desires will be an immense step forward on your money-saving journey.


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4. “Rich people plan for three generations. Poor people plan for Saturday night.” – Gloria Steinem

What Mrs. Steinem, a respected journalist and social-political activist is trying to tell us is that thinking ahead is one of the essential pillars of wealth. You can’t live one day at a time and expect that your money pile with grow. Planning, analyzing, keeping score, and looking beyond tomorrow is a must for achieving a better financial situation. 


5. “I used to say, why save money if I’ll die tomorrow, I haven’t died yet and I have nothing to survive on.” – Bangambiki Habyarimana

This one is for everyone who had their “why save when I might die tomorrow” moment. While this thought can relieve you of the spending guilt, it won’t help you build wealth. It won’t help you achieve anything besides falling into debt. So, the next time you want to justify yourself with the “I might die” type of thinking, remember this saving money quote.


money saving quotes


6. “He who buys what he does not need, steals from himself.” – Swedish proverb

How good are you at differentiating needs and wants? Before you exclaim “pretty great,” think about your spending habits. But really think about it. If you shower yourself with non-necessities every now and then, it’s time to learn the difference and limit the wants. 


7. “Small amounts saved daily add up to huge investments in the end.” – Margo Vader

It’s hard to see the big picture when your saving moves up one pound at a time. The process can be slow, that’s true, but it will amount to something great. Remember what the author Margo Vader said whenever you feel like you’re getting nowhere. Patience is a valuable money-saving virtue. 


8. “Every pound is a seedling. Invest your seedlings to create a tree. Re-invest your seedlings to grow a forest.” – George Choy

George Choy wrote the book Stealth Millionaire: How to Save Money and Manage Your Money Like the Rich to help ordinary people become extraordinarily rich. You don’t need to read the book if you don’t feel like it but remember this quote. Write it on a piece of paper. Engrave it in your mind. The quote teaches us that the money can be redirected into investments that will increase the amount we had. The increased amount can be further enlarged with yet another investment. Saving money and investing it intelligently is what rich people do best. 


saving money quotes


9. “Saving money today secures, eases, and beautifies tomorrow.” –  Ehsan Sehgal

Whenever saving feels hard, surface from your subconscious these words. The actions you take today can bring you a safer and happier future. The thing about saving is that the sooner you start, the less sacrifice you’ll have to make. Every day you do something that contributes to a money-saving mission is a contribution to a better tomorrow. 


10. “The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.” – T.T. Munger

This is how you should look at saving money. As an education that demands learning, practicing, and time. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you aren’t the habit of saving isn’t rooted in your system. It can be, as long as you are ready to put some effort into it. But that’s not all. Saving money won’t just bring you security and wealth. You’ll be rewarded with a broader mindset and a valuable skill that not many people have.


Put the Words Into Actions

Saving money quotes should do more than lift your spirit for a moment and then be thrown away in oblivion. Let these quotes become a part of your life. Use them as a regular reminder of the principles that can give you prosperity.

Money may not buy happiness, but it can take away many sorrows. Why settle for average when a simple skill of saving can lead you to the life of your dreams?



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Hey, I'm Alex - I'm a qualified Accountant working for a large London firm. I spend my spare time learning how to best save/grow my money to allow me to live a financially free and happy life!

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